Index of values

close [Nproc.Full]
Close a process pool.
close [Nproc]
Close a process pool.
create [Nproc.Full]
Create a process pool.
create [Nproc]
Create a process pool.

iter_stream [Nproc.Full]
Iterate over a stream using a pool of nproc worker processes running in parallel.
iter_stream [Nproc]
Iterate over a stream using a pool of nproc worker processes running in parallel.

log_error [Nproc]
Function used by Nproc for printing error messages.
log_info [Nproc]
Function used by Nproc for printing informational messages.

string_of_exn [Nproc]
Function used by Nproc to convert exception into a string used in error messages.
submit [Nproc.Full]
Submit a task.
submit [Nproc]
Submit a task.

terminate [Nproc.Full]
Terminate the processes of a pool without waiting for the pending tasks to complete.
terminate [Nproc]
Terminate the processes of a pool without waiting for the pending tasks to complete.